Approximately between the years 1950–1996, CFCs were used in the manufacture of insulation and if the material decomposes, the gas escapes into the atmosphere. Improper handling means that large amounts of CFCs are at risk of being released – with serious consequences for the climate, the planet and human health. Today, building insulation materials with CFCs are therefore classified as hazardous waste. Construction waste that may contain CFCs must therefore not be burned in a normal heating plant, but requires special sorting, handling, transport and recycling.
Legal requirement regarding construction and demolition waste
All waste with a CFC content above 0.1% = 1000mg/kg must be considered hazardous. Examples of CFC-containing construction waste are cellular plastic that can be found in ground slabs, insulation in walls, in floating floors, refrigerated containers, insulated truck cabinets and in cold rooms, but also in the insulation of some district heating pipes.
Everyone in the chain – from property owners, demolition companies, contractors and transporters to final destruction – has a responsibility and needs to be informed about how to do it right. It is an offense to not handle hazardous waste properly. Therefore, make sure that the person you hire has permission to handle CFC-containing hazardous waste. Acquire knowledge for our environment and for our future. We are happy to answer your questions.
We at SEG are very used to helping you with demolition projects/recycling centers to ensure that the waste is handled properly. By involving us from the beginning, the entire process becomes both smoother, safer and more cost-effective – while you can feel confident that you are taking your environmental responsibility.

CALL US for a free consultation.
+46 738 227 733
Mr Joergen Reisig,